The Indianapolis Colts officially debuted their new alternate uniforms Sunday. And, boy, are they hideous. The unis feature darker blue jerseys and pants with a black helmet and black piping around the numbers. They also include an infused "heather" material that gives them more depth and texture, according to The fits are "as crisp and cool as the Indiana Nights," according to the Colts. And while Indianapolis unveiled the new look in July, Sunday's game against the Cleveland Browns was the first time fans got to see it in action. "With them Indiana Boys in those Indiana Nights," the Colts posted on X — with a nod to the Tom Petty classic. First of all, Colts, kickoff is at 1 p.m. So this already doesn't make sense. Then again, Indianapolis doesn't actually have any night games on the schedule, so I guess we can overlook the glaring logistical issue. I'll admit, I'm a uniform purist. There's something so sleek about simplicity and consistency in a team's look. That's why I can't stand to see Nike meddling with tradition, I shudder at Oregon changing their unis and colors every week, and I'm still having nightmares about the hideous Thursday Night "Color Rush" eyesore of 2015-17. So not surprisingly, I'm a big fan of the Colts standard duds: white pants, speed blue jerseys and the white helmet with a standalone blue horseshoe. It's clean, it's classic and it's unmistakable. And despite my boring taste, I'm not the only one who hates the "Indiana Nights." Because the team got roasted on social media. I'm with that last guy. Throw the whole thing away, Colts. Think I'm completely wrong about these unis? Tell me on X at @TheAmberHarding or email me at