College Summer League Baseball Team Is Trolling Philly Mayor’s Notorious Spelling Snafu

Parts of the Keystone State are still celebrating the Philadelphia Eagles' Super Bowl LIX victory, and now a college summer league baseball team is doing it, while also commemorating the Mayor of Philadelphia's disastrous attempt at spelling "E-A-G-L-E-S."

The State College Spikes play in the MLB Draft League, and they announced over the weekend that come August 23, they'll temporarily re-brand themselves for one evening as the "Elgses" for "Elgses Night" which will involve some Kelly Green uniforms in a nod to the Philadelphia Eagles.

The name is, of course, a nod to the Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker who tried to lead a rousing rendition of the Eagles' signature chant and spelled the team's name "E-L-G-S-E-S."

It turns out that she kind of did the Spikes a solid because they obviously can't use Eagles branding or mention the Super Bowl for obvious trademark reasons, but Elgses? That's fair game.

Mayor Parker has been invited to the game which will feature the team auctioning of their Elgses jerseys to raise money for the Eagles Autism Foundation and the Central PA Autism Community.

Considering State College is home to Penn State University — the alma mater of a certain Eagles star running back — the Spikes also announced that they will honor "Sayshawn Barkley" and his record-setting 2,504-rushing yards this season by honoring one fan as the "commemorative 2,504th fan" and giving them a special jersey.

I love this kind of stuff, and this is just a small offering of all that they've got planned, and to think, this all came from a politician's inability to spell.

Gotta make lemonade out of lemons, folks.

And if the State College Spikes name rings a bell, it should. This isn't the first time they've given us a memorable theme night.

Remember that video of the actor and man who plays music (I don't know if "musician" is the right word) Corey Feldman performing at a minor league baseball game?

That was the State College Spikes!

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.