College Football World Torches 'Clown' Behavior By Deion Sanders

Deion Sanders, who hasn't won a game since last October, went OFF on a Denver Post reporter after yesterday's Colorado practice. 

Now, I can't stand the media. Yes, I know I work in the media, but you know what I mean. Sports media types, at least 95% of ‘em, are insufferable. They’re usually a bunch of fake virtue-signalers who think Kamala Harris will be a good president because she … smiles a lot. 

So, I always find it funny when people in sports go after them. And I always like when Deion Sanders is involved in it, because he's a #content machine. Love that. 

All that being said, Deion and Colorado stunk last year after taking the college football world by storm for five minutes in September. When you stink, it makes the whole ‘going off on the reporter’ shtick seem a little below the belt. 

Nick Saban can get away with it. But Deion Sanders, coming off a 4-win season? Eh. 

As I watched the 2-minute back-and-forth yesterday, that's exactly what I was thinking. Turns out, I wasn't alone:

Deion Sanders needs to win to be this cocky

I could go on and on – and on, and on, and on! There is no shortage of angry Deion Sanders takes floating around on the internet today. Trust me. College football fans, who live outside Boulder, of course, are done. 

Now, I like Deion for the content. Again, he makes this job much easier. I mean, look what I'm blogging about at 7 a.m. on a Saturday! Thanks, Prime!

He's been great for the sport. You can't deny that. But, I've seen this movie before. It's a tale as old as time. 

You can only do things like this so many times before the act grows old, especially if you're not winning. Have you seen Colorado's schedule this year? Yikes. 

Do this, and then go out there and win five games? It'll be curtains. At least in the eyes of the public. 

Regardless, can't wait for the drama we get along the way! 

We comin! 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.