New York Jets owner Woody Johnson appeared behind Donald Trump as the former President of the United States delivered a victory speech after winning the South Carolina Republican Primary. NBC Sports hot air balloon Mike Florio took the opportunity to bash all Republicans and OutKick founder Clay Travis called him out. Johnson served as an ambassador to the United Kingdom during Trump's presidency. It's no surprise that he would back Trump again in the upcoming election. Mike Florio, a far-left-wing sports "reporter," took the opportunity to say one of the most ironically hilarious things ever written. (I put "reporter" in quotes because Florio commonly reports false and/or incorrect information) "And that’s how it goes for folks of a certain ideology," Florio wrote, talking about people on the right side of the political spectrum. "They have no problem with talking about something other than football when they have something they want to say, or when someone is saying something they want to hear." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Excuse me one moment while I gather myself. A far-left-wing "journalist" thinks that people on the right don't respect the views of people who oppose them? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, it's just really hard to type that with a straight face. Florio thinks that Woody Johnson is allowed to support which political candidate he wants to support, but sports fans should also accept athletes doing the same for Democratic candidates. The difference, of course, is that Woody Johnson doesn't say anything about Donald Trump at New York Jets games or during Jets' press conferences. He supports Trump outside his life as an NFL owner. OutKick founder Clay Travis pointed out the absurdity of Florio's attempt at a comparison. Travis is absolutely right here and the difference is obvious. What Mike Florio is doing here is also obvious: it's called projecting.