Chiefs Give Notoriosuly Clumsy President Biden Very Practical New Helmet

As much as I like giving people gifts, I hate the process of deciding what to give. I just overthink it and the next thing you know I'm like, "Here's a Texas Roadhouse" gift card, which is still a kickass gift, but there wasn't a whole lot of thought put into it.

However, moving forward, I want the Kansas City Chiefs to do my gift shopping for me because someone in their camp knows what they're doing.

The Chiefs were in our Nation's capital on Friday for a visit with President Joe Biden, and while it doesn't seem like he spends a lot of time at the White House (the siren song of Delaware beaches is strong) it is his house for a few more months at the very least, so it's polite to bring a gift.

Here's the problem, last year the Chiefs brought a jersey. Showing up with another jersey would be tacky as hell, so they had to think of something new.

They went with a helmet and lovers of irony rejoiced.

That was very thoughtful of the Chiefs. It's especially thoughtful when you consider how often the president falls over. He makes Gerald Ford look like one of the Flying Wallendas, so a helmet was a very practical gift.

The helmet photo-op didn't go off without a hitch though. Biden learned the hard way that football helmets aren't designed to fit over sunglasses, and he also struggled with the chin strap button. 

You don't want those things popping loose willy-nilly, but the chinstrap isn't welded shut, Jack.

Anyway, that was a thoughtful gift from the Chiefs, and truly a gift for humanity as well. I mean, we now have photos of the president struggling to put on, and then goofily wearing, a football helmet.

We all win.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.