Chicago White Sox On Pace To Win Fewer Games Than 2020 Teams

Another day, another remarkable feat of losing for the 2024 Chicago White Sox.

The White Sox lost again on Thursday, being that it's a day that ends in "y." It ensured that the White Sox would suffer another three-game sweep. And cemented a seven-game losing streak. And was their 16th loss in their last 19 games. It's not even close to their worst 19-game stretch this year, considering they lost 21 games in a row from July to August.

But there's another way to put the White Sox remarkable futility in some historical perspective. It might make them look even worse than any of their other embarrassing "records."

White Sox On Pace For 125 Losses

The White Sox are on pace for 125 losses this season, which would set the record for most in a single season in modern baseball history. Doing the math, a 125-loss season would mean that, despite their best efforts, they'd finish with 37 wins.

Except 37 wins is fewer than a number of teams won in 2020…in a 60 game season. 

The Los Angeles Dodgers won 43 games in 2020, a .717 winning percentage. The Tampa Bay Rays won 40 games. The San Diego Padres won 37, and the Twins, A's won 36. Heck, even the 2020 White Sox won 35 games.

It's a near certainty that the White Sox win fewer games than at least two, if not three teams won during the lockdown-shortened 2020 season. It's possible they win fewer games than at least five or six teams won in the shortest season in baseball history.

How's it even possible to be this bad?

The White Sox are finding out. And it might somehow get even worse.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.