Petition Started For HS Track Coach Fired For Defending Women's Sports

John Parks, a high school track and field coach and teacher in Oregon, was allegedly fired for fighting for fairness in women's sports. 

According to KATU, "Parks wrote two letters to Peter Weber, the Executive Director of the Oregon Student Activities Association, and state Sen. Rob Wagner before and after the state championships in May, respectively." 

Oregon is the state in which Aayden Gallagher, a biological male, competes in girls' track & field. Some in attendance booed Gallagher after the transgender athlete won a girls' event at the Oregon state championships

In the letters, Parks urged Weber and Wagner to create an "open" division for transgender athletes so that biological males are not competing against girls. 

"I want them to be able to participate where they're not 'booed,' Parks told KATU. The coach is a supporter of transgender people, as evidenced by having his pronouns on his LinkedIn page, and his comments. 

However, as a long-time athletics coach, Parks also believes that allowing males to compete against girls is simply unfair. 

"I'm going to fight now because I got wronged," Parks said. "I ... am fighting for girls, I'm fighting for female sports, and I'm fighting that it be fair for everybody."

Parks is appealing his termination and a petition has been started in his honor. 

The organizer of the petition is Kristin Binkley, who runs an HR consulting firm.

The petition states, "The school's basis for this termination are that he violated School Board Policy by writing a letter to the OSAA seeking a rule change regarding the participation of trans females in female sports and the false allegation that he encouraged and organized students and coaches to protest.  

"John was advocating for our female athletes Title IX rights and seeking Oregon adopt the same rules as the national level and the majority of other states." 

The petition is closing in on 200 signatures as of this writing. There are several comments voicing support for coach Parks. 

"I agree fully with Coach Parks. Transgender athletes should be allowed to participate and compete in competition. Just not in women's sports. We need coaches like this to keep fighting for women and young girls as it seems very few will. Please don't stop," commenter Natalie Johnson wrote.  

"My daughter played sports at Lakeridge. I would not want her to play against unfair competition with a biological male. [Where] is common sense? Wake up Administration!" wrote Brian Boe. 

OutKick reached out to Binkley and Parks but have not gotten responses as of this writing. We will update if and when we do. 

It's crazy that an athletics coach would be fired for simply stating the obvious: allowing biological males to compete in women's and girls' sports is simply not fair. 

Not only that, but Parks voiced his concerns through the proper channels, by writing letters to those in charge and urging them to take action. 

But this is what happens when it comes to far-left politics. They believe that you are either 100 percent with them or you are 100 percent against them. Right now, they consider Parks to be 100 percent against them, so he remains unemployed. 

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.