Can A Pregnant Woman Race In NASCAR? We're About To Find Out

NASCAR's Natalie Decker – an adult content creator and Bikini Zone driver – is pregnant. Bam! I know, stunning. 

Didn't think I'd ever get to write about a pregnant NASCAR driver, but here we are. Frankly, in today's world, I figured I'd be blogging about a pregnant male driver, so I'll gladly take Natalie Decker content instead. 

Decker – an OutKick star – made the big announcement on her Instagram early Wednesday, and sent the racing world into a tailspin. 

While some folks are sitting there waiting to see what sort of penalties get handed out to Joey Logano and Austin Dillon, I'm sitting here scouring the internet for the real #content. 

The woke AP and ESPN can have the Dillon/Logano news. Whatever. Take it. I don't care. I have Natalie Decker content to write about. 

Say cheese!

NASCAR driver Natalie Decker probably won't be in the seat for a while

Solid little marketing there for Calvin Klein, too. Don't you dare tell me NASCAR drivers ain't always on the prowl for sponsors. The grind never stops, especially in this economy. 

Natalie Decker has had to fight tooth and nail every step of the way to get sponsors, and I think Calvin Klein would be dumb not to capitalize on this announcement. Let's get them on Nat's car ASAP!

As for what Decker's done on the track in recent months … it hasn't been much. She's run two races this year – Daytona and Charlotte – and finished 18th and 29th. Not great. 

Now, the obvious next question is this …

Would NASCAR allow a pregnant driver to compete? I mean, there's no precedent, right? The obvious first thought for everyone is Danica Patrick, but she was never pregnant. So, she's out. 

Thanks to some Big J digging, I did find that Sarah Fisher stepped aside during the 2011 IndyCar season when she found out she was pregnant. She was supposed to run the Indy 500 that year, but was due in Sept. and sat it out. Probably a smart call. 

 And how about this for some more Big J digging … 

Richie Hearn, another former IndyCar racer, said in a 1998 interview that his mother used to race sports cars on the West Coast, and she competed until the seat belt stopped fitting. True story. 

Anyway, there you have it. I doubt we see Natalie Decker again this season on the track. Sad. Luckily, she's got some loaded content off of it, so we should be just fine. 

Congrats to the new family!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.