Nobody Should Be Surprised By Video Of Cam Newton Doing A Pull Up On A Moving Helicopter

Cam Newton has not suited up for an NFL team since 2022. While he hasn't officially retired from football, he's taken the inevitable next step in doing so by diving into reality television. The 35-year-old is one of 16 competitors on ‘Special Forces: World’s Toughest Test' on Fox and wasted no time reminding the world of his freakish athletic abilities.

During the premiere episode, Newton found himself not only having to jump from a moving boat onto the landing skid of a helicopter, but pull himself up onto the moving chopper. It took him all of about 15 seconds to go from dangling from the bottom of the helicopter to sitting inside of it.

Is leaping from a boat, grabbing onto a helicopter, and pulling yourself up impressive? Absolutely, especially if you're just an Average Joe, but it's not exactly surprising to see an athletic specimen such as Cam Newton pull off the feat.

"Should Cam lowkey become an action movie star," one reply read. "That's freaking hardcore," another read.

We're talking about a former NFL MVP, three-time Pro Bowler, and two-time national champion who looks like he was built in a lab to do two things very well: play football and lift weights. Given the fact that he still appears to have the metabolism of a 9-year-old and still appears to be holding out hope of getting one more shot in the league, he looks exactly like he did during the peak of his playing days, so no, Newton doing a body-up onto a helicopter shouldn't be looked at as some insane achievement.

A large chunk of the folks tuning into the show have never seen Newton play one second of football, so they may be blown away. Anyone who remembers this man's run in the NFL from 2011-2015, however, shouldn't even bat an eye at Newton's accomplishment here. 

Some of y'all weren't sitting in the front row of the Auburn-Ole Miss game in 2010 when Newton threw for two touchdowns and caught another 20-yard TD, and it shows.

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Mark covers all sports at OutKick while keeping a close eye on the world of professional golf. He graduated from the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga before earning his master's degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee. He somehow survived living in Knoxville despite ‘Rocky Top’ being his least favorite song ever written. Before joining OutKick, he wrote for various outlets including SB Nation, The Spun, and BroBible. Mark was also a writer for the Chicago Cubs Double-A affiliate in 2016 when the team won the World Series. He's still waiting for his championship ring to arrive. Follow him on Twitter @itismarkharris.