Caitlin Clark Uses One Woke Phrase That Shows She's Officially Been Captured By The Mob

Caitlin Clark has officially been captured by the mob. Sad. I'll be honest with you, I didn't see this one coming. I really didn't. 

Perhaps I should have, because she's 22 and plays in the WNBA and has a Kamala-voting boyfriend. Bad recipe for sanity, if you ask me. 

But I thought Caitlin was smarter than this. I knew the WNBA was dumb, but I thought Caitlin was smart. Again, sad. Foolish on my part, but still sad. 

Anyway, Clark alienated all of her fans earlier this week when she basically apologized to Time Magazine for being white. That's right. She went deep into the Libs' playbook and pulled out the "white privilege" card. 

It's a staple in their pantry, and has been for years now. 

But that's not the phrase that grabbed the internet's attention. Nope. In the days since the initial article dropped, even more content from the interview has leaked. And this video in particular, in which Clark really digs deep and pulls out the tried-and-true "my truth" phrase, really shows how far gone she is. 

Sad, sad, sad!

We've lost Caitlin Clark

Oh no! I think she's gone. I think we – and by ‘we,’ I mean sane people – have lost Caitlin Clark. The Dems got her, and I'm not sure they're giving her back. 

While we were all focused on the election, the Dem operatives were targeting Caitlin Clark. And they pulled it off. Don't know who got to her. The WNBA? Time? Maria Taylor? Her boyfriend? All the above?

No clue, but whoever ‘they’ is pulled off this coup with amazing grace and aplomb. Makes the Biden coup look like a tea party. 

Sane America thought they at least had Caitlin Clark on their side. They were wrong. She's been whisked away to one of the Dems' re-education camps and turned into another insufferable athlete spewing nonsense they really don't believe deep down. 

Because Caitlin Clark doesn't believe this nonsense. No shot. Something has happened over the past few months, and it's changed everything. 

Now, she's using phrases like "white privilege" and "my truth" to sound like the ultimate Lib gaslighter and virtue-signaler. 

Oh well. You live and you learn, I reckon. 


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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.