Caitlin Clark Sold Her Soul To The Woke WNBA Mob, And They're Already Turning On Her

It took three days for the woke mob to turn on Caitlin Clark. That's right. Three days. Seventy-two hours. 

You see? This is why you cannot give these lunatics an inch. Not one inch. You do that, they'll take a mile. The left always goes too far. They have a good thing going, and then BAM – they get too wacky, and everything eventually evens out. 

That's what happened last night, when some loony chick named Sheila Johnson – Google tells me she's the co-owner of the Washington Mystics – actually COMPLAINED TO CNN about Clark being on the cover of Time Magazine. 

Yep. She COMPLAINED (!!!!!!!) about Clark winning Athlete of the Year – which, like Clark, was the best thing to happen to the WNBA in years. 

These people are NUTS. I mean, seriously:

Caitlin Clark needs to course-correct, quick

"It has taken the WNBA almost 28 years to get to the point where we are now,. And this year, something clicked with the WNBA, and it's because of the draft and the players that came in. It's not just Caitlin Clark, it's (Angel) Reese."

"We have so much talent out there that has been unrecognized, and I don't think we can pin it on just one player."

First off, what a community note. Amazing. God, I love that feature. Nothing keeps the wokes at bay more than a real-time fact check. It's the best thing Elon's ever done. 

Secondly … you see, Caitlin? THESE are the wackos you bent your knee to. These are the people you allowed to infiltrate your mind with bullshit, race-baitey comments like "white privilege" and "my truth."

You see? This is why using your silly little Time article as a way to spew nonsense that not even YOU believe, was such a miscalculation. It was baffling, frankly. I know Caitlin's 22, so it's tough to expect her to be super smart, but I just thought she was different. 

Maybe now she will be? She already alienated most of her fans earlier this week by basically saying she hates her skin color. And now, those same lunatics she was supposed to be catering to … just told her it wasn't enough. 

Because it's never enough. The left is never satisfied. The woke, progressive, gaslighting, virtue-signaling left is never, ever, done. 

They want more, clearly. 

Come back, Caitlin. I promise, we'll forgive you. It's not too late. You're better than this.  

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.