Buffalo Bills Catch Stray From Edmonton Oilers Head Coach

You'd expect a little pre-series jarring from anyone involved in a Stanley Cup Final, but what I didn't see coming was for some of that talk to ricochet off of the Buffalo Bills, but that's exactly what we got from Edmonton Oilers head coach Kris Knoblauch.

Knoblauch spoke to the media Tuesday as his team got some preparation in before flying down to Florida for Saturday's Game 1.

A reporter asked Knoblauch if the fact that the Florida Panthers have more Stanley Cup Final experience — given that they were just there 12 months ago and lost to the Vegas Golden Knights — an edge that Florida has and that Edmonton will need to overcome.

"Experience is good," Knoblauch said. Which is true. Experience is — at least in most circumstances — good.

Once he got the obvious out of the way, Knoblauch dropped a line that would make some folks in Western New York dive through a table in rage if they weren't already doing that for fun.

"I don't know how much experience is beneficial," he continued. "You can ask the Buffalo Bills how important Super Bowl experience is."

Ouch, the Bills Mafia will never live those four straight Super Bowl losses down.

"But I think the biggest thing is just having the confidence to play, and, y’know, when our guys are playing their best they should have a lot of confidence," Knoblauch said.

I'm inclined to agree with that. Did you see what Connor McDavid did in Game 6?

I'm not in his head, but that sure looked confident to me.

I think we're in for a heck of a series, folks. It's hard to remember this, but until about Thanksgiving, the Oilers were hot, steaming, radioactive garbage. Then Knoblauch comes from that AHL's Harford Wolf Pack, and those dudes go on a crazy win streak and are now just four wins away from a Cup.

No one saw this coming… and the Buffalo Bills probably didn't expect to catch a stray like that from Edmonton in June.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.