Bubba Wallace Divides NASCAR Fans With Juneteenth Message

Yesterday was Juneteenth. Five years ago, you would've never known. But now, it's a federal holiday. 

I don't pretend to know the ins and outs of how that works, but it's still wild to me. We just … made something a federal holiday. Hilarious. I guess that's how things become holidays, though. They don't just appear out of thin air. Someone has to declare them a federal holiday, so here we are. 

Anyway, that's not the point of this. Bubba Wallace – easily the most polarizing driver in NASCAR – pressed send on a Juneteenth message to all of his social media followers across all platforms, and lit up the internet like the Fourth of July (hey, another federal holiday!). 

And when the sport's biggest #content machine produces #content like that, my antenna goes up and I write about it. So, have at it:

NASCAR twitter had a field day with Bubba Wallace

Look, I actually don't see much wrong with it. I've seen worse. And again, the whole Juneteenth thing is so new/weird that I won't even pretend to know if this is right or not. Don't care, frankly. 

In all honestly, I think Bubba rode the fence pretty well here. 

Seeing faces at the racetrack from ALL backgrounds is something I’m proud to play a small role in. That's a solid thing to get behind, right? I mean, we all want NASCAR to grow. Hell, my job depends on it. 

The more you're interested in NASCAR, the more you read stuff like this – and the award-winning Monday Morning Pit-Stop – which means I get paid more. 

Well, that's not technically true … yet. Hopefully, though. Lord knows I could use it in this economy (thanks, Joe!). 

Anyway, Bubba's tweet obviously divided NASCAR nation, which was a given. Most seemed fine with it, but there were a few GEMS in the comments:

That last one made me spit out my coffee. That's funny. Toyotathon commercials live in my head year-round. For those interested, it typically starts around November and goes through the new year. Can't wait!

Anyway, those were only a few cherry-picked comments out of the thousands under Bubba's tweet. It went viral, which means the opinions are all over the map. 

Most seem to like it, others can't get past the 'Dega noose incident – which I understand, although that was more of a woke NASCAR problem – and some just wanted to discuss Toyotathon. 

Thoughts? Zach.Dean@OutKick.com (gulp). 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.