UFC superstar Bryce Mitchell unleashed a rant about Adolf Hitler, WWII, transgenders, gays and Jews that has to be seen in order to be believed. Generally speaking, it's not that hard to find out who were the good guys and bad guys in WWII. It's been a settled debate for about 80 years. The Americans, British, Australians were the clear good guys. Stalin oversaw a murderous regime in the Soviet Union that we had no choice but to work with. The Germans, Japanese and Italians are the bad guys. In its most simplistic terms, that's the baseline of WWII history…..unless the UFC star is doing the teaching. Bryce Mitchell doesn't think Hitler was a bad guy. Just did a bit too much meth. Mitchell hopped on his new "ArkanSanity Podcast" with a bit of a different version of history that isn't just incorrect with many of the basic facts, but is honestly hard to believe is even real. His theory? Adolf Hitler - the leader of the Third Reich and Nazi Germany - "was a good guy" who just dabbled with meth a bit too much. He said the following, in part: "I honestly think that Hitler was a good guy based upon my own research. Not my public education indoctrination. I really do think before Hitler got on meth, he was a guy I'd go fishing with. He fought for his country. He wanted to purify it by kicking the greedy Jews out that were destroying his country and turning them all into gays. They were gaying out the kids. They were queering out the women. They were queering out the dudes. You know where the first tranny surgery ever was? Happened to be in Germany before Hitler took over. You know the books everyone makes fun of Hitler for burning? You know what the books was? Queer books! Hitler burned queer books because Hitler didn't want a bunch of queers destroying his nation. They can't produce children…When he got on meth and turned on Russia, I think that's when he got full nutty." The first transgender surgery Mitchell is referring to is the one conducted in Dr. Magnus Hirschfield's Institute for Sexual Research in Berlin. Believe it or not, the AAHD actually has an entire page praising Hirschfield, which doesn't make Mitchell's comments any less appalling. He also suggested the Holocaust might not have happened as reported for decades. Hot take considering it's incredibly well-documented, and American and Soviet troops participated in liberating the camps following the death of roughly six million Jews from different parts of Europe. You can watch his truly mind-boggling rant below starting around 1:18:00, and *DEFINITELY* let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com. SIGN UP FOR TUBI AND STREAM SUPER BOWL LIX FOR FREE Mitchell is correct when he says Germany was in a bad spot in the era post-WWI, and he is correct when he says Hitler's military ran out of fuel and was struggling to feed itself and that Germans wanted to surrender to America over the Russians. That's more or less where his correct points begin and end. Was Hitler addicted to substances? Yes. Did that lead to some poor strategic decisions? That's likely impossible to know. What we do know beyond any shadow of a doubt is Hitler's main goal was always Lebensraum - the expansion of territory to the east. This was his plan going back years before the war, and the main reason the Germans launched an all-out blitzkrieg assault on the Soviet Union. The idea that he only went nutty after doing meth and turning on Stalin is just not accurate at all. He was never going to work with Stalin after splitting Poland. The German goal was always total domination to the east. Now, that's the historical facts of the matter documented by all sides. As for the Hitler was a good guy, that's one of the most unhinged hot takes you could ever have, and it almost makes you wonder if this is trolling. Hitler's government didn't just kill Jews. The Nazis killed anyone who wasn't completely inline with the ideology and government. That includes their own people. Political dissidents were dealt with harshly and often outright murdered. Hitler didn't care about people's individual rights or the rights of those he conquered. The idea of rights probably didn't exist at all in his mind. There was a literal policy of mass starvation for Soviet POWs. His forces also massacred American POWs in Malmedy, Belgium on December 17, 1944. Does that sound like a nice guy to you? Does that sound like someone you want to go fishing with? Let's also not forget that instead of surrendering before the total destruction of Germany and Berlin, the Nazi dictator decided it'd be better to send kids and old men to their deaths fighting an invading force that they had no chance against. Ask yourself what kind of leader burns his country down and sends kids to do the fighting? And all of this is on top of the murder of ethnic minorities, religious minorities and POWs.