Bret Bielema Shares Incredible Pat Fitzgerald Story When Asked About Michigan Cheating Scandal

Illinois football coach Bret Bielema used the Michigan cheating scandal to pour a little praise on Pat Fitzgerald.

Michigan and Jim Harbaugh continue to battle allegations the program ran a massive cheating scandal overseen by former staffer Connor Stalions. If the allegations of sign stealing are true, it would be arguably the greatest college football cheating scandal in decades.

Bielema was asked about the scandal Thursday, and pivoted to tell a story that makes former Northwestern coach Pat Fitzgerald look like a very classy guy.

Bret Bielema pours praise on Pat Fitzgerald.

The Illinois coach claimed there was a radio error while he was coaching at Wisconsin against Northwestern. Somehow, Wisconsin's radio calls were being picked up on Northwestern radios. Instead of listening in, which wouldn't have been a violation if it was just a technical error, Pat Fitzgerald shut the whole thing down.

"He told his people to put them down, change the channel and competed in the game, right. And I thought the highest moment of integrity. Here's a moment, right, and what's being discussed, and I don't really know anymore than what I know. I said this a couple weeks ago, these stories are always so much better when you're not in them," Bielema said when talking about Fitzgerald and Michigan's alleged cheating.

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Bielema shines a light on Fitzgerald amid Michigan cheating scandal.

I have no doubt Pat Fitzgerald is very happy Bielema shared this story. That man can take all the positive press he can get.

He was fired following a massive hazing scandal at Northwestern prior to the season starting. The former Wildcats coach is now suing the school for more than $100 million.

The man could use some positive headlines, and Bret Bielema just gave him a huge one. The Illinois coach somehow pivoted from the alleged cheating of Michigan to making Fitzgerald look like an all-time good guy.

Having said that, most coaches probably wouldn't have done what Fitzgerald did. In fact, I can guarantee most wouldn't have.

A tech error isn't an NCAA violation. The majority of coaches would have been listening to Bret Bielema and Wisconsin's radio calls like the Allied forces picking up German radio signals in WWII. They would have exploited the information for everything it was worth.

Instead, Pat Fitzgerald told his coaches to change the channel and just compete. As people like to say, you're often judged by how you behave when you believe nobody is watching. Choosing to give up a massive advantage is a hell of a classy gesture. Let me know your thoughts at