Brazilian Surfer Looks Like He's Flying In Incredible Olympic Photo

One thing you can always count on during the Olympic Games is a slew of incredible moments captured on camera. 

Sometimes those are moments of triumph. Sometimes it's moments of heartbreak. Other times it's just a really well-timed, super badass click of the shutter.

The moment we're going to talk about is one of those badass ones.

A photographer managed to snag an incredible shot during the Olympic surfing competition that made it look as though a Brazilian surfer was floating through the air.

If you're unaware, the Olympic surfing competition isn't happening anywhere near Paris. Which, makes sense. I don't think the English Channel is known for its sick barrels, bruh.

So, they decided to shift everything a quick 10,000 miles away to Tahiti in French Polynesia where the surfers are staying on an anchored cruise ship, which sounds infinitely better than the Olympic Village.

Anyway, Brazil's Gabriel Medina is one of the athletes competing on the other side of the world, and he was in the water this week doing his thing.

Now, I'm no Duke Kahanamoku, but even I knew that was a pretty great run. In fact, Medina scored a 9.90 which is the highest anyone has ever scored since surfing debuted at the Olympics during the 2020 Games in Tokyo (which were of course held in 2021).

So, you probably caught that celebration of his at the end, and so did a photographer who snapped this fantastic photo.

Look at that.

Sure, it's basically just trick photography and anyone can do that with a quick enough set of fingers, but snagging it in the moment? That's a one-in-a-million shot from photographer Jerome Brouillet.

Medina is moving on in the contest and will square off against his countryman João Chianca next.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.