Boston's New Women's Soccer Team's 'No More Balls' Video Backfired In Spectacular Fashion

The National Women's Soccer League has a new Boston-based team that will begin play this season, but even stepping on the pitch, the team has tripped and fallen flat on its proverbial face, and it's all thanks to its hilariously terrible "No More Balls" campaign.

The new team announced its name Bos Nation FC (which is a… a bit of a rough one) and also debuted a new campaign to promote the team. The team decided to use the city's love of sports as the focal point. But the team didn't celebrate that love, instead, it dumped all over it because those sports heroes were all men, maaaaaaaaan.

I don't want to spoil the story, but the team's original video has already been deleted.

Fortunately, you can see it below.

I mean, ball jokes can certainly be funny, but this one got beat to death a little bit. It played like it was written by a sixth grader who just learned that "balls" has multiple meanings.

Telling dudes to pound sand is an interesting choice, but I don't know that anyone really cared. 

However, the team offended some fans who were upset about the idea of "No more balls" in women's sports.

I mean, I think most sensible people are all for the idea of "no more balls" in women's sports, but certain groups weren't having it. However, instead of just telling those all riled up to chill out, the team released a groveling apology.

You really never want to do one of those ever, let alone before your team has even played a match.

"While we had hoped to create a bold and buzzworthy brand launch campaign, we missed the mark," the statement begins. "We fully acknowledge that the content of the campaign did not reflect the safe and welcoming environment we strive to create for all, and we apologize to the LGBTQ+ community and to the trans community in particular for the hurt we caused."

Yes, the hurt of a "No more balls" joke. 

"We are proud to be part of the most inclusive sports league in the world and are committed to upholding the unifying values that define the NWSL and our club. Thank you to all who have held us accountable by calling for us to do better. We hear and we will, together."


That was rough. The video flopped and then Bos Nation FC (god, that name is bad) embarrassed itself further by giving in to the whiners.

Nowhere for Bos Nation FC (for real, fix that name) to go but up, I guess.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.