Best Sports Analogies To Describe Kamala Harris

Journalist James Medlock likened presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris to a baseball prospect finally receiving their chance at the plate in the majors.

"Kamala Harris is like a high ceiling prospect that just never really put the results together and then languished on the bench for years, but an injury replacement puts them in the lineup and sudden they're hitting .330 and you wonder why you weren't playing them all this time," Medlock posted on X.

While we don't agree with Medlock's analogy, trying to explain Harris' political career in sports terms is, indeed, an entertaining exercise. We asked OutKick readers to play along, to send us their best sports analogies for Kamala Harris. 

Our readers delivered. Here are some of the best:


I mean … 

So true.

Retweet it.

Hard to argue.


I agree.

Lets hope.

Kamala = Ben Simmons?

The GOP sure hopes.


To be fair, Jameis earned the Heisman.

Mind blown.

Right place, right time.

In July, we likened Kamala Harris to a new football coach. In sports, teammates and fans often rally behind a new coach for simply being not the guy before them. 

Put simply, Kamala's greatest strength is that she's not Joe Biden

Teams with interim head coaches often win the next week in the NFL. The media props up the new coach, ignoring the flaws that likely prevented them from having a head coaching job prior.

However, honeymoon periods only last so long. Eventually, the new coach has to perform. Or speak to the media…

Not bad, huh?

Written by
Bobby Burack is a writer for OutKick where he reports and analyzes the latest topics in media, culture, sports, and politics.. Burack has become a prominent voice in media and has been featured on several shows across OutKick and industry related podcasts and radio stations.