Antonio Brown Stays Weird By Using Mel Gibson Meme To Congratulate Caitlin Clark

Of all the congratulatory messages Caitlin Clark received for breaking the NCAA basketball scoring record, Antonio Brown sent the most bizarre one.

During yesterday’s regular-season finale against the Ohio State Buckeyes, Clark broke "Pistol Pete" Maravich’s record for most points scored in a career in major college basketball.

Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James - who just set an impressive scoring mark himself - congratulated Clark on achieving history.

"CONGRATS @CaitlinClark22 on becoming the All-Time leading scorer!!," he wrote on X.

President Joe Biden offered his praise - or rather, someone on his social media team, because we all know Biden can’t form an intelligent sentence on his own.

"Congratulations to Caitlin Clark on making history as the NCAA all-time leading scorer. With 3,685 points and counting, you’ve made your school proud," his team wrote.

These messages were logical and were well-articulated. But Brown’s was not.

The former standout wide receiver wanted to get in on the Clark hype train and say something positive about her. His caption accomplished that, but the video accompanying his words was the most random thing to include in this type of post. 

Instead of using a picture or highlight of Clark herself, he posted a meme of Mel Gibson.

Clark and Gibson Have Nothing In Common

I’m trying really, really hard to figure out what Clark and Gibson have in common. There’s the long hair, but even the most unobservant of people know that their hairstyles look wildly different.

We could look at the actor’s movie credits to try to find a similarity. Gibson starred in "Lethal Weapon," which Clark certainly is anytime she’s on the court. Clark also plays with the heart of a fighter, which Gibson also had in "Braveheart." And when Clark shoots the ball, she has precise aim and, therefore, rarely misses. Or, to borrow a phrase from Gibson in "The Patriot," she "aims small and misses small."

But even as I’m typing these, I’m realizing how much of a stretch it would be for anyone to get these references from a single picture of Gibson. Frankly, I don’t think a guy with Brown’s diminishing IQ would be purposefully trying to make those connections either. After all, he did mistake a random fan for Pitbull once.

Fans on social media had a field day responding to this utterly confusing post.

What a hilariously random post from a wild man. I would say Brown could never top that level of randomness…but this is Antonio Brown we’re talking about. Anything is possible.

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John Simmons graduated from Liberty University hoping to become a sports journalist. He’s lived his dream while working for the Media Research Center and can’t wait to do more in this field with Outkick. He could bore you to death with his knowledge of professional ultimate frisbee, and his one life goal is to find Middle Earth and start a homestead in the Shire. He’s still working on how to make that happen.