Antonio Brown Accused Of Threatening Arena League Players With A Gun
Former Pittsburgh Steelers wideout Antonio Brown has been accused of another heinous act.
Brown is back in the headlines after Albany Empire players alleged that the former NFL player threatened them with a gun.
AB served as the majority owner of the Albany Empire, a NAL team, until his dysfunctional conduct cost him the opportunity.
Brown faced accusations of not paying his coaching staff and players, but the latest accusation is a new low for the failing wideout. Failure to pay by Brown resulted in the National Arena League kicking the Albany Empire out of the league.
In a new ESPN feature, three Empire players allegedly tried speaking directly with Brown over issues with the team owner and were met with gun threats by AB.
The scene started when Albany Empire players noticed a post deleted on their Instagram page. The post was a tribute to former Empire offensive lineman Mo Ruffins, who died in 2022.
Confused by the deletion of the tribute post, Empire wideouts Dwayne Hollis and Darius Prince, along with another player, confronted Brown at a cigar lounge.

“People were a little frustrated because these guys were close to ,” Hollis said. “We were there to just talk, to give our views about how that's wrong,” he added.
Not willing to hear out his disgruntled player, Brown threatened to have his assistant fetch his "AR."
“AB looked at Ryan and was like, 'Hey, man, you still got the AR in the car? Go get it,'” Darius Prince shared.
“Then I was like, I'm not going to allow this dude to walk out of here after you just threatened us. ... After he said that, things did calm down and we had a conversation. But the fact is that he threatened us by telling his assistant to grab his AR.”
AB is certainly crazy enough to commit such a scene.
Brown exited his final NFL game by running off the field without a shirt and later faced accusations of flashing people in a pool. AB doesn't have the best track record as a businessman or human.
Add on the countless unsolicited shots he's taken at longtime, trustworthy teammates like Tom Brady, and you've got AB — formerly a great player until character issues derailed his career.
After the NFL, Brown stayed busy with his rap career and trolling on social media.