Diamondbacks Announcer Whiffs Big Time While Reading Kid’s 'I Can’t, I’m Mormon' Shirt

We had a two-for-one deal during last evening's Arizona Diamondbacks broadcast.

We had an elite t-shirt which was in turn misread spectacularly all rolled into one deservedly viral moment.

During the D-Back's 9-8 win over the Washington Nationals on Monday night, the broadcast was gearing up for a live read but first cut to a shot of some youngsters having themselves a great night at the ballpark.

One was a very funny T-shirt that read, "I Can't. I'm Mormon." 

It's hilarious, but it got even funnier when Diamondbacks broadcaster Steve Berthiaume completely whiffed on reading it correctly.

Alright, I found my new favorite T-shirt ever," Berthiaume said. "The guy on the right; ‘I can’t, I'm a moron.' There it is, on tape, and everything is for the director. He'll use that, wear it out."

Alright, a lot is happening here…

First, you've got a spectacular misreading of that shirt. At first, I thought maybe it was folded over and obscuring the second "m," but it couldn't have been clearer. I have lousy eyesight, and I think I could've read that shirt from the nosebleeds.

However, Berthiaume managed to take a funny T-shirt and make it even funnier. Plus, as he alluded to, he gifted the broadcast team a piece of audio they will use until the end of time.

Also, if there isn't a T-shirt printing place in the greater Phoenix area that has been doing nothing but churning out "I Can't, I'm A Moron" shirts, then I've lost what remaining shreds of trust I had left in the novelty T-shirt industry.

I'd wear an "I Can't, I'm A Moron" shirt because it would either get a laugh, or it would make people say, "We don't want to sit next that guy, he's a moron."

Seems like a win-win situation.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.