Angry NFL Fans Demand NFL Investigate The 'Cheifs,' But Who Are The Cheifs?

The American education system is doing just great, as is evident in the realization that both Chiefs haters and Philadelphia's mayor have zero idea how to spell.

Just days after Philly Mayor Cherelle Parker got completely ripped for not knowing how to spell, "E-G-S-L-E-S," angry anti-Chiefs fans said "hold my cheesesteak." 

A new petition has popped up as football fans are demanding the NFL investigate the referees' favoritism for the "Cheifs."


Apparently, the author of the petition missed that day in school where they were taught "I before E, except after C." 

Or maybe they are still just really, really, angry at the referees for missing multiple calls, or refusing to throw the flags in the first place in Sunday's AFC Championship that saw the Chiefs barely defeat the Bills 32-29. 

Here's a hint for anyone trying to start petitions out there - if you can't even spell the subject of the entire thing correctly, you're probably not going to convince too many people of your argument. I don't think Roger Goodell is too concerned over your online petition that looks like a modern-day version of the classic Snickers "Who Are The Chefs?" commercial!

Great googly-moogly indeed!

As for the Philly Mayor having no idea how to spell Eagles during a pep rally for the Eagles, that's the least of your city's troubles

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.