Air Traffic Control Jokes About Diverting Panthers Plane Away From Edmonton

Canada is starving for a Stanley Cup with the nation's drought now at over 30 years since the 1993 Montreal Canadiens last hoisted the Cup.

Now, the Edmonton Oilers are Canadians latest hope (not counting Flames fans, who would probably rather get gored by a bull at the Calgary Stampede than watch the Oilers win), and even air traffic controllers are playing their part to help them dig out of a 2-0 hole against the Florida Panthers and bring the most famous trophy in sports back to Canada.

Even if they're joking… kind of… probably…

The Panthers had an eventful travel day on Wednesday thanks to severe storms that led to flooding in South Florida, but they managed to take off (to the Great White North! Take off!)and arrived in Edmonton about four hours later than planned.

However, they didn't get there without some good-natured joshing from Canadian air traffic controllers.

"I've got aboot (Canadian speak for "about") a two-hour hold for you, or whatever it would take for you to be low enough on fuel that you'll have to divert from Edmonton," the air traffic controller said. 

He then added, "Mention it to your passengers, they'll figure  it out."

The air traffic controller gave the Panthers instructions "against (his) better judgment" and at that point, other pilots who could hear the exchange started chiming in.

Another pilot — who thought Game 3 was on Wednesday night; he must not have been Canadian — said that maybe ATC could divert the Cats.

"I threatened them with a hold until they would have to divert," he said, which drew some huge laughs.

This is so funny, but another voice — a voice of reason — noted that some may not find their jocularity so amusing.

"The last call you guys need is Gary Bettman calling the ACC (area control center)," he said.

"That's true," the air traffic controller laughed.

Man, I love this. Obviously, they were joking, but if there was even a borderline reason to make the Panthers' journey to Alberta even more exhausting, I don't think they'd have hesitated to do it.

Having some fun and playing some mind games to possibly give the home team an advantage, because it's the Cup. 

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.