Aaron Judge Owes Dodgers Fan An Oversized Novelty Chain After Breaking It With Home Run Ball

The New York Yankees are hosting the Los Angeles Dodgers this weekend, and while we don't know how this series will shake out, we do know that one Dodgers fan will be going home down one oversized novelty chain thanks to a home run from Yankees star Aaron Judge.

In the bottom of their inning, Judge was at the plate for his second at-bat of the evening against Dodgers rightly Gavin Stone.

Judge — who is leading the Majors in home runs this season — got ahold of a pitch that was right up the gut and crushed a line drive into left-center field.

Yes indeed, that did become homer No. 22 for Judge, but not before a little confusion.

It sure looked at first like it may have hit the top of the wall and bounced back into play. However, it was reviewed and determined to have been a home run.

Which, for the Dodger fan who got clobbered by that Aaron Judge line drive-home run, it was just an insult to injury.

I mean, look at how this went down.

Looks like he kind of misjudged that ball, which is understandable. That thing was practically on fire when it came off the bat and was in the seats in the blink of an eye.

It was a bit of a tough one, and while missing the ball was one thing, having your oversized novelty chain obliterated is another.

You know the only thing that looks goofier than a guy wearing an oversized novelty chain?

A guy wearing a broken over-sized novelty chain.

Plus, as a visiting fan, you can't afford to miss a ball like that. I know the Dodgers fan was goofing with some Yankees fans afterward, but there were plenty of other fans licking their chops, ready to razz the guy.

Tough looks all around, but hey, maybe Judge will catch wind of this and can hook that guy up with a shiny new oversized novelty chain.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.