Packers' David Bakhtiari Calls Out Biden For Scripted Responses

Someone's been hanging out with Aaron Rodgers too much and having his third eye open.

Pro Bowl Packer O-lineman David Bakhtiari isn't mincing words over President Biden's script responses.

Bakhtiari Pushes Back On Robotic U.S. President

Days after Bakhtiari and Rodgers called out California representative Dianne Feinstein, the newly "based" Bakhtiari is zeroing in on Biden amid his disastrous three-year run as president, which has been largely defined not by the strings he's pulling as the Leader of the Free World, but for who is pulling his strings.


First of all, you don't have to be "based" to call out the truth.

All that's needed is an iota of free thought, which the media and Biden supporters have blindly given up to assimilate with groupthink.

Bakhtiari quote-tweeted a picture of Biden's script from a speech on Mother's Day.

He said, "Can we have authentic and real NON-SCRIPTED interviews?? I understand and agree with prepping someone (like studying for a test) but this is a bit too far. It’s just one big play."

Bakhtiari knew how to manhandle the pressure as people started calling him out as "partisan" (i.e., Republican, c'mon now) for challenging the Grand Leader Biden.

"Again. Let me state this: I know both sides do this," Bakhtiari responded to an angry responder. "This isn’t about sides. Neither should. And if they need this to ‘not look like a dumba**..’ then maybe, just maybe, we should raise the qualification bar."

When asked if his postgame NFL interviews are scripted — what a dig — Bakhtiari responded, "Nope. We get generic points that’ll be ask and suggestions of how to navigate our answers. For the most part it is a free for all from the questions, to the answers."