North Carolina Legislature Overrides Governor On Fairness In Women's Sports

North Carolina's legislature took matters into their own hands to protect women's sports Wednesday afternoon.

Democratic Governor Roy Cooper previously vetoed the Fairness in Women's Sports Act, preferring instead to prioritize the wishes of transgender activists over biological reality and common sense. But Wednesday, the state legislature overruled his veto, meaning the bill will go into effect despite his best efforts.

The bill will prohibit biological men and boys from playing women's sports at all levels of competition, starting with middle school. It's a significant step in ensuring that sports competitions are held on a level playing field, without unfair biological advantages. And it's also a win for safety and privacy.

Legislation of this type has widespread support among Americans, including former professional athletes.


Other states have worked to enshrine protections for women and young female athletes, leading to hypocritical protests from progressive activists.

The override was applauded by Independent Women's Voice and Independent Women's Network. Their work was instrumental in ensuring there was enough support among the legislature.

Protecting Women's Sports Now Required In North Carolina

IWV associated athletes spoke out Wednesday to celebrate the vote.

“I am thrilled that the North Carolina state legislature has voted to override Governor Cooper’s senseless veto of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act," Riley Gaines said. "I have seen firsthand how female athletes at all levels and across various sports are losing not only awards but opportunities to compete at all. This legislation puts an end to the unfair and discriminatory practice of ignoring biological differences. What happened to Payton McNabb won’t be allowed to happen to any other girl in North Carolina."

McNabb, who was injured by a transgender athlete during a volleyball game, also expressed her support for the vote.

“Last fall, I was knocked unconscious after a forceful blow to the head from a volleyball spike by a male on our opponent’s girls’ team," McNabb said. "The impact of the ball has left me with long-term physical and mental damage, including blurred vision, partial paralysis on my right side, anxiety, and depression. Because of this new law in North Carolina, female athletes – my little sister, my cousins, and my teammates – will no longer be forced to risk injury at the hands of a male opponent. Thank you to the North Carolina legislature for doing what’s right and fair and just, and for showing girls like me that our opportunities and safety are worth defending. I am proud to be a part of the team with Independent Women’s Voice who took a stand for this to happen."

Former University of North Carolina runner and 2x NCAA Champion Megan Burke applauded the legislature for their commitment to fairness.

“I was so blessed by my time as a runner at The University of North Carolina, and I am overjoyed to know that thanks to this legislation, my two little girls and all girls in North Carolina will have the same opportunities to compete," Burke said. "North Carolina has stepped up to protect girls’ sports and the integrity of fair competition. As an Independent Women’s Network Chapter Leader, I could not be more proud of the work we did to advocate for this legislation and ask that our female records be protected."

Paula Scanlan, who's detailed her experience being forced to share a locker room with Lia Thomas, added that she's grateful that other sexual trauma survivors won't have to go through the same ordeal.


“I applaud the North Carolina legislature for taking a common-sense, pro-woman stance by overriding Governor Cooper’s veto of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act. No young woman, least of all those who are adversely impacted with sexual trauma as I was, should be forced to share a locker room with a biological male. And because of this legislation, in North Carolina they won’t. I am proud of Independent Women’s Voice advocates who called for this bill to include collegiate athletes so women like me won’t face the same discrimination that my teammates and I did,” said Scanlan, Stand with Women spokeswoman and advisor at Independent Women’s Voice.

An Obvious Win For Common Sense

The decision to veto this bill was an embarrassment for Governor Cooper.

Prioritizing demands from activists over obvious biological reality is unfortunately par for the course for many modern politicians.

Thankfully, the efforts of the Independent Women's Voice movement helped ensure that Cooper's absurd decision wouldn't stand.

North Carolina made the correct choice; the next hurdle is bringing these types of protections to all 50 states.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.