Well, this is something you don't see everyday. The main event for the All Elite Wrestling's Double or Nothing pay-per-view showing on Sunday night features a couple of unexpected appearances from the NFL world -- and no, I'm not talking about Rob Gronkowski.Jacksonville Jaguars head coach Urban Meyer and his assistant Charlie Strong have cameos during a match between Chris Jericho and Maxwell Jacob Friedman. The Stadium Stampede event carries over to Meyer's office at TIAA Bank Field, and folks, it's must-see television.Check this out. Strong feeds Jericho footballs to throw as the two wrestlers come crashing into the office. But ole Urban? Nah, he wants something a bit more ... sturdy. He hands Jericho a spare laptop -- which I'm sure has vital Jaguars information stored on it -- to use as a weapon.Simply incredible.Strong certainly looks more of the wrestling the part, but Meyer apparently has a better knack for knowing which random objects are better for beating a man. In fact, the look on his face as he hands off the laptop screams, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this."It's a good thing Jaguars owner Shahid Khan also owns AEW, otherwise we might not have gotten this epic exchange. There were also a few good Tim Tebow reactions sprinkled in there as well -- all in good fun, right? We need more of this ... ASAP.UPDATE: Meyer reacted to watching the scene play back on Monday morning. Follow Clint Lamb on Twitter @ClintRLamb.