Tom Brady says he will always support what his children want to do, but he would prefer them not to play football. 45-year-old Brady appeared on ESPN Friday where he talked about retirement life and what it's been like spending more time with his family. When he was asked about his 15-year-old son, Jack, who currently plays high school football, he said that he would hope that he doesn't follow in his own footsteps. Immediately, one would think that it had to do with the growing CTE and health-related concerns that have plagued the game for decades. But for Brady, he said his hesitation is caused by not wanting his son to have to attempt to live up to the enormous and unrealistic expectations that would be put on him as the son of the GOAT. "I hope Jack finds the things in his life that allows him to get up every day, to be internally motivated, to work hard at something he loves to do," Brady told NFL Live. Tom Brady continued: "I wouldn't choose for him to do football because there's too many crazy expectations that people would put on him - most of them probably very unfair, actually."Brady also added that it's important for parents to be there for their children. TOM BRADY IS 100% RIGHT I have to give props to Brady for coming out and being honest. Far too often parents will try and speak into existence that their child is destined to be a star. And more often than not, it's unrealistic. Parents, like scouts, generally know immediately how talented their child is. They also know, or should know, the astronomical difficulty of not only making it to professional sports, but also succeeding at an elite level. Let's be honest, kids are always going to be compared to their parents no matter what. Society loves comparisons and manufactured storylines. But children of professional athletes have the spotlight on them so much more in this day and age. Sometimes it's by their own doing - maybe they are just that damn talented. But other times, it could be from their own family - just look at the chaos that LaVar Ball brought to his sons. And let's be honest, not everyone can be the Mannings. BRONNY JAMES IS FACING IT AS WELL The next person that will have all eyes on him? Bronny James. It's already happening from the social media trolls - even with things that don't have to do with sports. I feel bad for him because as Brady said - the pressure is ENORMOUS for children of famous athletes. Especially now. And then you add the toxicity of social media and the mental health aspect to having to always live up to expectations. That can't be easy. Oh, and you're LeBron James' kid! "I think that part of being a parent is supporting your kids' dreams, and now that I've got more time on my hands, I'm very much looking forward to doing that as well," Brady said. I know it's cool to hate on Brady. Believe me, as a Jets fan I did it for years simply because I hated losing to him. (Also the retiring only to unretire was a bit of a stretch, almost like LeBron's Miami Heat "Decision.") But Brady's parenting skills should be commended for giving a heartfelt and thoughtful answer regarding his son's future. And who knows, maybe Jack uses it as motivation and goes above and beyond and proves his father wrong!