Tears Flow From Eagles Coach Nick Sirianni During Chris Stapleton's Super Bowl National Anthem

With Super Bowl LVII about to get underway, country music star Chris Stapleton belted out an incredible rendition of America's National Anthem.

Stapleton's "Star-Spangled Banner" created emotion throughout State Farm Stadium, but no one felt more of it than Eagles head coach Nick Sirianni.

Tears flowed out of Sirianni's eyes and down his cheeks as he paid tribute to the great United States of America.

That's what America needed to see to start off the greatest event in the world. A man truly brought to tears hearing the anthem of the greatest country on Earth. It showed the world that many are still very much proud to be an American.

That all being said, there is one other important National Anthem story.

How long was Chris Stapleton's National Anthem before Super Bowl LVII?

Yes, for a lot of people the very first settled bet of the Super Bowl is the length of the United States National Anthem.

In most places, the over/under was set at 2:05. And, despite Stapleton starting at a very deliberate pace, the anthem timed out around 2:02. Which means...

Yes, the Under hits on the National Anthem. And the coin toss, for those who bet on that, landed on tails. The Chiefs won the toss, if you bet that.

So much action and the game hasn't even started yet!

It's Super Bowl Sunday, folks!

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Dan began his sports media career at ESPN, where he survived for nearly a decade. Once the Stockholm Syndrome cleared, he made his way to OutKick. He is secure enough in his masculinity to admit he is a cat-enthusiast with three cats, one of which is named "Brady" because his wife wishes she were married to Tom instead of him.