Patrick Mahomes' Mom Is A Huge Whiner & Great For The NFL

Randi Mahomes thought she'd busted through the veil of secrecy the NFL has been hiding behind in its attempts to keep Tom Brady winning Super Bowl titles well into his 40s. Mahomes had all the evidence she was looking for and proudly dumped it out on Instagram Story Sunday night as her son and the Chiefs were well on their way to a terrible loss in Super Bowl LV.

NFL Twitter 'liked' a Gisele tweet which definitely seemed to indicate a conspiracy, if you're smelling what Randi's cookin'. The NFL Twitter account, the refs and the league were clearly in on a conspiracy to deny her son back-to-back Super Bowls.

While there were questionable penalties called against the Chiefs in the first half, it's a stretch to believe a conspiracy helped Tom Brady win another Super Bowl title, especially when the only evidence available is that the NFL liked a Gisele tweet. That's next-level kooky, but it's definitely the type of chaos I 100% support out of NFL moms. In fact, the league was due for a mom to get right in the middle of the ring and mix it up.

You might think this post is anti-Randi. That couldn't be further from the truth. This post is 100% pro-Randi. I'm actually calling on Randi to go even further and start a war with Roger Goodell, the idiots behind NFL Instagram and any other target she can find. I want carnage. I want emotions spilling over.

Randi is the mama bear whiner you see on the sidelines at a youth football game blasting refs. She's all about protecting her turf. Three weeks ago, she went after Browns linebacker Mack Wilson and started a war of words. Now she's literally going after the highest paid model in the world via a Texas deathmatch tweet-conspiracy-off. Randi's guns are blazing, and the only thing that calmed her down Sunday night were Tom Brady's parents, who stopped to have a conversation with her after the game.

"Thank you Mr. & Mrs. Brady. Super classy parents. I loved your kind words," Randi wrote late Sunday night.

Don't change, Randi.


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Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.