Hooters Waitress Sloan Miavitz Is Ready For The Super Bowl, Screamin' A's Pivot & Tom Brady Video Game Changes
If you haven't read the Drew Robinson story that's out this week, please do so
I had no idea what I was getting myself into Wednesday night when I started reading about Drew Robinson, who played in parts of three Major League seasons from 2017-19 before spending 2020 out of the game after he tried to commit suicide. Fortunately, he blasted himself in the side of the head and lived to talk about it.
ESPN's Jeff Passan tells the incredible story of a baseball player who hated himself and the demons in his head. Passan doesn't sugarcoat what happened to Robinson on April 16, 2020 when the 28-year-old who seemed to have a perfect life -- his first MLB hit was a home run at Yankee Stadium -- put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. The story will make you uncomfortable as Robinson talks about his life before April 16 and how it has changed since.
There's not much more to say here. Read it.
• Super Bowl tickets are down to $4,300. Between the tanking scalper market and a slow start to the week for strip clubs, there are some people taking financial baths this week.
• You'll never guess what the Kansas City mayor is putting on the line for a Super Bowl bet with the Tampa mayor. That's right, BBQ! How'd you guess? Tampa's mayor is offering up hand-rolled cigars and craft beer.
• The weather forecast for Sunday's game hasn't changed much. Morning showers are expected. In other words, it doesn't look like it'll be an issue for either team. Don't go betting the under based on the weather, you fools. Hang tight.
• I have to hand it to this Madison LeCroy woman from Southern Charm. About a week ago, she was dishing on her life with Jay Cutler. Now she's in some drama with ARod. This is how you take your career right up the reality star ladder. Great work, Madison.