ANN ARBOR, Mich. -- The game between Ohio State and Michigan had the blood boiling for fans in the stands at Michigan Stadium and among those on the sidelines as well. Ohio State athletics director Gene Smith got into a verbal altercation with a Michigan sideline security official in an incident recorded by OutKick. The incident happened in the third quarter of Michigan's 30-24 win over Ohio State on Saturday. WATCH: Here's What Happened Between Gene Smith, Michigan Security Following the Ohio State touchdown in the third quarter, Smith was standing near the end zone when a Michigan security official decided Smith wasn't far enough behind the line. The ongoing back and forth between the two led to Smith becoming agitated. After the Michigan-clad security official told Smith to get behind the "damn line," the Ohio State AD went off. Smith used an expletive at the official, who was getting in his face, before another official arrived. During the back and forth, Smith said, "I can get the Big Ten in here to handle this." The altercation quickly de-escalated as both Smith and security moved in opposite directions. Safe to say things were pretty heated in Ann Arbor, which was much needed thanks to the cold weather.