The father of deceased former Georgia OL Devin Willock is planning to sue the University of Georgia in civil court. According to reports, Dave Willock is seeking $2 Million in the lawsuit, which sheds further light on the tragic crash that killed Willock and Chandler LeCroy. The ante litem notice dated April 11 was sent to Georgia's board of regents. In the notice, it outlines that the driver, Chandler LeCroy, was to provide transportation to current athletes and recruits during the championship celebration. "Ms. LeCroy was told and instructed by agents and employees of UGA and UGAAA priorto January 13th that her weekend was not her own, and that she and other recruiting analysts' solepurpose that weekend would be providing transportation to recruits and players for Celebrationand recruiting activities," the notice states. In the notice, it is alleged that LeCroy and other staffers consumed alcohol during the day at various sites, which was provided by the UGAAA. It is also alleged that LeCroy, student athletes and recruits were drinking at Topper's, which is a strip club in Athens. To view the full notice, click here. According to the AJC, LeCroy had accumulated multiple speeding tickets over a 6-year period, but that the school did not know about the latest, which occurred in October. "The university gave LeCroy possession of the Expedition despite her driving history, which includes four speeding tickets over six years," Atlanta-Journal Constitution reported. "University officials recently said that 'athletic department administration' had not known about her latest ticket, issued last October for driving 77 mph in a 55-mph zone." The notice also names Jalen Carter, mentioning he was racing with Chandler LeCroy on that night, which has already been investigated by the police. Ultimately, charges were filed against Jalen Carter, but struck a deal with the attorneys, resulting in no jail time, 12 months probation and 80 hours of community service. University of Georgia Reponds To Pending Civil Suit University of Georgia spokesperson Greg Trevor strongly denied these allegations set forth in this notice by Devin Willock’s father, Dave Willock. "The claims are false, and the university disputes them in the strongest terms," Greg Trevor said in a statement. "Personal use of vehicles rented for recruiting activities was strictly prohibited. Ms. LeCroy was not engaged in athletic department duties around the time of the accident, and her personal use of the car after the recruiting duties ended earlier that evening was therefore unauthorized." As for the impending civil suit, Devin Willock's father claims that the school and UGAAApolice liaison attempted to have her last speeding ticket in October reduced, which they did not prevail at. This all comes from the notice that was filed, which is standard practice if you are planning to sue another party. This tragic incident will continue to be discussed as lawyers prepare for a civil suit, which sounds as if it will go forward, based on the reaction from Georgia.