Brand New NC State Scoreboard Breaks Due To Bad Weather

Tuition may be about to go up for NC State students.

Minutes into the second quarter of the Wolfpack's football game against Notre Dame, a storm rolled in with thunder and lightning. The weather was bad enough to cause a delay and send fans scrambling for shelter inside the corridor while both teams and officials went to their locker rooms.

Unfortunately for NC State's brand new state of the art scoreboard, there was nowhere to hide.

A few minutes into the delay a giant bolt of lightning struck near the stadium, a massive boom was heard and the massive scoreboard went dark. A few panels flickered back to life, but it was clear the thing was broke, broke.

Original reports suggested the scoreboard was struck by lightning, however the school has since reported that the malfunction was due to the weather shorting the circuits.

Regardless, someone's day just went from enjoying a nice home opener of college football into an absolute disaster.

Officials were concerned that the game clock was also malfunctioning, but it has since been resolved. After a nearly two hour rain delay, play has resumed with the Irish leading 3-0. Both teams agreed to condense halftime in order to keep the game rolling.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.