WATCH: Indiana Cheerleader Embodies Everything That Is March Madness

We didn't have to wait until Championship Monday for March Madness to provide us with one shining moment. Thursday's opening round provided plenty of memorable moments (St. Peter's, New Mexico State, Richmond, etc.), but it was a Hoosier cheerleader who stole the spotlight.

Less than two minutes into the second half of Indiana's loss to St. Mary's, the game ball became wedged between the backboard and the shot clock (which is about the closest an Indiana shot came to the rim all night.)

With officials unable to jar the ball loose, they implored the help of the Indiana spirit squad. Turns out, all they needed was the perfect cheer!

WATCH (volume up, way up!):

Unafraid of the March Madness spotlight, Hoosier Cassidy Cerny, with an assist from teammate Nathan Paris, rose 13 feet into the air to snag the misplaced ball. As they did so, play-by-play announcer Andrew Catalon unearthed a call so instantaneously legendary, Gus Johnson may soon sound like he's in need of treatment for low-T.

"Get the cheerleader up!" barked Catalon. That's exactly what happened as the crowd rose to their feet and a buzz overtook the arena.

"Get her up there. This is how you do it," shouted Catalon, building ready to explode.

"...Now she's got it," screamed Catalon, with the same enthusiasm he'd use for a buzzer beater from a Cinderella team. "Ohhh, what a play! The cheerleader saves the day, and it's her one shining moment. This place is on its feet!"

Never underestimate the power of the perfect cheer.

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