Tony La Russa Apologizes For Yermin Mercedes' 3-0 Homer

In a 15-4 game, White Sox DH Yermin Mercedes clubbed his sixth home run of his rookie season -- on a 3-0 count. The Twins home announcers were livid, but if we're being honest, who gives a rip? If you don't like it, then don't fall into an 11-run hole with a position player on the mound.

And what's most important is that Yermin Mercedes is going to make money off every home run he ever hits. That's how baseball contracts work, especially during arbitration hearings. For those who don't know, MLB players hire agents to calculate contracts, using statistics, to determine a final salary. MLB owners will use all the stats they can against Mercedes in a couple years, so why shouldn't he try and pile up every stat he can?

These "unwritten" rules of baseball are absolutely dreck for the game. The reason that no one ever bothered to write them down is because they suck. God forbid, you hurt someone's feelings with one of a million tacky rules -- you're now susceptible to being hit by a fastball the next day. No other sport deals with this garbage, and it's time to ditch the woosie rules before our youth turns it off completely.

Brutal hire

The White Sox are winning the division, which is awesome (yet predictable), but how is 78-year-old Tony La Russa a solid hire? There's no way this type of cowardly behavior is resonating with players in their mid-20s, so what's the end game here? Hopefully he walks back his apology because this was whack.

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Gary Sheffield Jr is the son of should-be MLB Hall of Famer, Gary Sheffield. He covers basketball and baseball for, chats with the Purple and Gold faithful on LakersNation, and shitposts on Twitter. You can follow him at GarySheffieldJr