Scientists Suggest Brilliant Strategy Of Blocking Out The Sun To Stop Climate Change

Well, efforts to "stop" climate change have reached a new ridiculous high point.

For years, "reducing emissions" has been the key buzzword of the climate change lobby.

The public has received thousands of lectures on emissions by extremely wealthy celebrities and public figures while they fly private planes around the world.

But according to a Politico article, even the obsessive push for universal electric cars isn't remotely enough to stop climate change now.

A group of scientists wrote an open letter released on Monday, which contains some catastrophic predictions and unimaginably hilarious suggestions.

“While reducing emissions is crucial, no level of reduction undertaken now can reverse the warming effect of past and present greenhouse gas emissions,” the group, led by Sarah Doherty, an atmospheric sciences professor at the University of Washington, wrote in the letter.

So what's their suggestion to fix this unfixable problem?

"Solar radiation modification," or, you know, blocking out some of the sun's rays from hitting earth.

It's almost like the plot of some terrible, straight-to-streaming action movie. One that you turn off in the first 15 minutes because the scientists' ideas are so unbelievably unrealistic.

But as is almost always the case, truth is stranger than fiction.

Climate Change Alarmism is Big Business

To be fair to this group of scientists, they aren't saying that we should necessarily block the sun immediately. Just that it should be subject to "rigorous, rapid scientific assessment," according to Politico.

It's good to know that 60 "experts" aren't saying we should block the sun without "rigorous" assessment first.

One of the scientists who contributed to the letter was Dr. James Hansen, formerly of NASA.

Hansen has been warning about the consequences of global warming, as it was then called, since 1988.

Back then, he warned, according to The New York Times, that "the Southeastern and Midwestern sections of the United States will be subject to frequent episodes of very high temperatures and drought in the next decade and beyond."

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.