Max Kellerman Worries That the Draft Might go 'White Guy, White Guy, White Guy'
ESPN began the week by lying to its readers when it published a column accusing the NFL of racism against black quarterbacks. Some random Undefeated guy, Martenzie Johnson, even printed this ludicrous line: "The NFL is trying to keep the position as white as the painted yard lines on the field."
It was therefore no surprise that ESPN's on-air personalities, including social justice warrior Max Kellerman, spread the same lie on TV. Kellerman dishonestly claimed that only black quarterbacks slip in the draft. In a rant phony enough for SNL, Kellerman let the world know it is on his "radar" that the draft might go "white guy, white guy, white guy."
Got that? Kellerman's antenna is up.
Did Kellerman have any issue with the 2011 draft that went black guy, black guy, black guy? Or the 2015 draft, which went non-white guy, non-white guy, non-white guy? Should the NFL make the latter mandatory to keep ESPN happy?
None of these ESPN talents could explain why Jameis Winston, Jamarcus Russell, Cam Newton, Kyler Murray, and Michael Vick all went first overall in the supposedly racist NFL draft. They also ignore the fact that the four highest-paid quarterbacks of all time are all black. These facts can't be noted, though -- they'd ruin everything.
By everything, I mean ESPN's plan. It's clear that those employed by ESPN are hellbent on intimidating the 49ers into drafting a black quarterback instead of Mac Jones, who committed the ultimate sin of being born white.
We will see if this strategy works, but I wouldn't doubt it. Decision-makers are spineless, even decision-makers in the NFL.
These people are awful, all of them.