Like Cowards, ESPN Fires Kelly Stewart Over Old Tweets
Kelly Stewart, known as Kelly in Vegas, announced Friday that ESPN has terminated her contract over tweets she sent in 2012:
The tweets that did it -- which we will not direct attention to as the cancel culture promoting losers want -- showed Stewart in 2012 using homophobic language. That, however, isn't the story. As per usual, the origin of the outrage that led to one losing their job didn't stem from actual outrage.
The Twitter users who made a fuss, tagging ESPN and several of ESPN's far-left on-air talents, are not offended by Stewart's nine-year-old tweets. They saw an opportunity. An opportunity to matter. An opportunity to have their voices heard.
If you consume a long list of the world's most known dictators, you'll read that each shared a common trait: a starving hunger to matter. Look at the country's most famous athletes, politicians, entrepreneurs, and celebrities. As each of their profiles grew, they sought power not just over themselves, but of their followers and detractors. This isn't puzzling. By nature, we all want to have our actions lead to results, our voices heard. That's not exclusive to public figures, cancel culture proves that.
Call it cancel culture, call it life-ruining, it's a movement to make those most dissatisfied with their own lives feel important.
The blueprint is simple: yell (tweet) loud enough, use words like "racist" and "homophobic," and your outrage could also make a difference. Thus, the death of many careers over old social media posts.
Once ESPN announced Stewart as a hire, Twitter users instinctively searched for old tweets that could bring her down. How pathetic is that? Very.
Ever wonder why old tweets emerge the moment an athlete is drafted to the NFL? Why at one's brightest moment so much negativity follows? It's not about the targets, it never has been.
As I say, those who are quietly most ashamed of their past are found at the forefront of the cancel culture movement, a self-serving quest to ruin lives. They don’t stop. Their pasts can’t be erased so they proactively try to erase your future.
If we are taking wagers, I'd bet a large amount of money that those bringing up Stewart's past tweets have a shameful history of their own. A history of tweets and comments far worse than Stewart's. Because in their minds, pretending to care eases their own guilt.
Look no further than Teen Vogue's Christine Davitt. Following Teen Vogue hiring Alexi McCammond, 27, as its new editor-in-chief, Davitt authored a letter to the company's CEO complaining that McCammond sent racist tweets during her teen years. McCammond was soon let go. It turned out, Davitt -- chief among the outraged -- had a long history of tweeting the n-word. Hmmm.
Stewart should not have used the language she did nine years ago. But she did, now what? Does this mean she should never be able to work again?
What about the mistakes that still-employed ESPN's talents have made? Notably, Mark Jones who in 2021 (not 2012) celebrated someone dying of lung cancer? Oh, that's right, he got promoted.
Here's the truth: if you dig deep enough, talk to enough people, and think hard enough -- you'll find regrettable moments. Pick a person, any person, the moments are there.
The story isn't about Kelly Stewart. The story is that yet another major corporation was influenced by faceless, nameless vultures who serve only one purpose.