Jimmy Kimmel Calls Reddit Investors 'Russian Disruptors'
When something doesn't go the way that Leftist media and pop culture figures prefer, they blame Russia. Even B-list celebrity Jimmy Kimmel is trying it.
In his latest monologue, Kimmel tackled the GameStop stock phenomenon very poorly. And by "poorly," I mean without even a trace of humor. Instead of making his viewers laugh, Kimmel pulled a Trevor Noah. Check it out:
Wow, how original.
For those who have determined never watch a Kimmel video, here is what he said:
"GameStop, if you don't know, is a video game store, and like a lot of businesses, they've been struggling because of COVID but also because most people buy games online now. And yet, despite a sharp decline in sales, over the past six months their stock price has grown by 8000 percent because a bunch of amateur investors, maybe even some Russian disruptors who are part of a Reddit community called WallStreetBets, decided to buy a bunch of GameStop stock and drive the price up and screw over the hedge fund guys who had shorted the stock."
Maybe even some Russian disruptors, huh?
You are likely wondering whether this is considered a conspiracy. Since the media doesn't count Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi saying Donald Trump might have allowed the Capitol riot on behalf of Vladimir Putin as a conspiracy, they would probably say that Kimmel is just "considering all possibilities" here.
Kimmel has been accused of siding with wealthy Wall Street investors, but I doubt his monologue is that calculated. I explained a few weeks ago that Donald Trump simply killed late-night TV. The nation's interest in Trump played right into Stephen Colbert's wheelhouse and eventually lifted him to No.1 in the late-night ratings. Fallon and Kimmel then countered Colbert by pivoting to political "satire," yet neither did so successfully. Kimmel's "Russian disruptors" segment is no different than late-night comedy has been the past four years. Kimmel was just inserting himself into a topic in which he doesn't belong.
The only good part in all of this is imagining some old, angry, rich investor watching this clip and yelling about the Russians. For that, I thank Jimmy Kimmel.