Donald Trump Roasts Joe Biden's Golf Game During Clay Travis Interview

Former President Donald Trump joined Clay Travis on the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show for an exclusive interview that aired today in which he called out George Clooney for being a backstabber, talked about Biden's embarrassing blunders, destroyed the President's golf game and also even challenged Biden to a televised cognitive test.

The wide-ranging interview is quickly going viral as former President Trump expounded on his challenge to a 1-on-1 golf match against President Biden after the topic came up during last month's Presidential debate. 


"What do you think Biden would actually shoot if he had to count every hole and do you think he would be even able to finish 18 holes or would they have to stop him and take him off because he's not healthy enough to finish all 18 holes?" asked Clay Travis.

"Without bragging, I'm a very good golfer, I've won many club championships," Trump responded. 

"[Biden] could not win a club championship, nor could he break 100. There's no way he breaks 100 - I've seen his swing… and I've spoken to people who are near to him and he's a terrible golfer," Trump continued. 

After calling out Biden for his various stories where he continues to stretch the truth, such as him claiming that "he used to fly planes" when pilots visited the White House, or when Biden says he "used to drive a truck," when the truckers union would come by, Trump says this time that Biden bit off more than he could chew with his veneers. 

"Biden made the [golf] challenge to the wrong guy," Trump told Travis before adding that he'd even given Biden a 10-stroke advantage as well as donate $1 million to a charity of the President's choice. Of course, the White House has since declined and tried to change the narrative from its own leader who was the first one to bring up the challenge in the first place!

Trump has said that he'd be willing for the golf match to air live on television (could you imagine - it'd be ratings gold!) but also had another televised challenge for President Biden that he exclusively told Clay and Buck - a Trump vs Biden cognitive test!


Yes, that's right - get those No. 2 pencils out as the former President told Clay Travis and Buck Sexton that he would be more than willing - even gleeful, to take a cognitive test to show who is more mentally fit (or even with it) to handle the duties as President of the most important country in the entire world.

"I am cognitively great, perfect - and I've had routine tests… I just had a physical, and it came out great, and we'll announce those numbers soon," Trump began.

"I suggest that we go in together and do a cognitive test… I'd do the test, mental acuity tests - whatever would be appropriate," Trump continued before agreeing to have it even televised for all to see! 

Trump's comments come after President Biden once again had a rough going at a press conference - not so much because of the mainstream media refusing to ask him any tough questions, but that he blundered basic sentences, such as when he introduced Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as "President Putin," which was awkward to say the least - or when he called President Trump his Vice President!

That gaffe led to this hilarious video of Biden's Cabinet members wanting to hide in their seats - just look at their facial reactions where they have to be thinking to themselves, "Oh God."

You can watch the entire Donald Trump interview below as it also talks about a variety of other topics. Those include Trump saying he's not sure if Biden will drop out of the race, but either way, he'd have no problem defeating Vice President Kamala Harris.  Also, Trump calling George Clooney "a disloyal backstabber" to Biden after fundraising for him just a few weeks ago before throwing him under the bus - something that Barack Obama may have had his hands in.