In one of the most bizarre sequences I've seen of late, a CNN contributor, Adeel Raja, responded to tensions between Israel and Hamas by tweeting Sunday that the world needs another Adolf Hitler.It was later discovered that Raja, a blue-check who has published over 54 articles for CNN, has a long history of publicly sharing his admiration for the dictator who fantasized about world domination. At first, CNN's PR crew said they had never heard of Raja. Hours later, they fired him.“In light of these abhorrent statements, he will not be working with CNN again in any capacity,” CNN spokesman Matt Dornic told the Washington Examiner.As I wrote Sunday, it is not my place to call for Raja’s or anyone else's job. And while I abhor digging up old tweets to destroy a person at the height of his or her career, that's not what happened here. Raja tweeted, “the world today needs a Hitler” yesterday. The old tweets just solidified that he wasn't hacked but has long supported Hitler, who I believe is the most evil high-profile person in history.Raja's tweet, now deleted, was inexcusable.Here are some others Raja sent out and that were still posted as of Sunday night: