And That's A Wrap: Clay Signs Off 'OutKick the Coverage' Radio For Final Time

After six years, OutKick founder, leader and the voice of OutKick on Fox Sports Radio said farewell to his audience Friday morning. He will now transition to the 12-3 ET time slot that was once occupied by the Rush Limbaugh Show. Clay will team up with Buck Sexton for a show that will be broadcast across the country on Premiere Networks, a subsidiary of iHeartMedia.

"Unfortunately in our modern woke culture, most people don’t make their own bold choices. They think about what they’re supposed to say or what they’re supposed to believe, and then they seek, like sheep, to follow the lead of the woke masses. I’ve never done that, and I never will," Clay wrote Thursday in a post announcing his move.

"After much contemplation, I’m sure I’m right and now I’m going ahead."

Clay took to the airwaves Friday morning and told his listeners about his decision to take the Rush Limbaugh timeslot position. "It's an incredible honor they came to me and said, 'We want you to take over in that noon to three eastern window in the biggest job in all of radio,'" Clay said.

"I couldn't say no."

Clay's next challenge is to get ready for June 21, when The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show goes live across hundreds of stations. Premiere president Julie Talbott, whom Clay notes in his farewell speech to OutKick listeners, told the Wall Street Journal that this is a new show. It's not a continuation of the Rush Limbaugh Show.

“We’re not going to replace Rush Limbaugh. We’re going to have an evolution of the show with fresh voices—those that grew up on Rush and admired him,” she said.

What will a Clay & Buck show sound like?

"I think we're going to have a really smart, original, funny, and authentic show which will connect with a lot of you, and we start really soon," Clay added, noting his summer is about to ramp up in a big, big way with a boatload of responsibility.

But in the end, Clay says, this job opportunity was just too good to pass up.

And, If you're looking to join forces with other people fighting the horrendous woke culture, OutKick VIP is the place for you. Ditch the mainstream media and join an online community of people that seek the truth in a world of woke non-sense. Click here to join today.

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.