Al Michaels Is Happy Again After Roger Goodell Gave Him Some Quality Games

Al Michaels has high hopes for his scheduled Thursday Night Football broadcasts this season after what has been a frustrating last two years. 

In a new interview with The New York Post, Michaels said that he has faith that fans will be given some quality football and credits the NFL for getting things right this time around for the weekly games that air on Amazon Prime. 

"I can give you a great storyline for every one of these games," Michaels reacted after he saw the allotted TNF scheduled games. If only it was like this in the past! Instead, TNF became synonymous with low scoring and boring games that nobody cared about unless you were a fan of the teams playing. 


"Early on, the first year, it was not so much my displeasure with the actual schedule, but the way the games were turning out," the broadcast legend explained. "We had that Indianapolis-Denver game and a Washington-Chicago game, and they were not games that will ever be remembered by NFL Films," Michaels quipped. 

"Last year was considerably better, and this year is even better than that - by far the best of all, and I think a lot of it has to do with where the business is right now. Streaming is more and more important. The graph is pointing up for streaming, and I don’t want to say down for linear, because the NFL is so powerful right now and linear is still very, very important, but a lot of eggs are going in the streaming basket right now."

At times, Michaels appeared checked out of the game broadcasts; one time he even compared calling Amazon's TNF games to trying to sell used cars. 

The shtick got old though for some, as criticism began mounting that maybe the 79-year-old's best days were behind him. (Although in reality it could have been that he, like many of the TNF audience, couldn't bear watching another awful game.) But hey, at least we got some great, disgruntled, IDGAF clips from Michaels to keep us busy!


Fortunately for everyone involved, the NFL has made this year's TNF lineup already much better than previus years. Beginning tonight, fans will be able to see the Bills host the Dolphins, while other matchups will include the storied rivalry between the Patriots and Jets, the Commanders in Philadelphia, Steelers and the Browns and an exciting Texans team led by C.J. Stroud taking on Aaron Rodgers and the Jets.

There are some ehh games however. The NFL couldn't have expected Daniel Jones and the Giants to perform as badly as they did last week after they loss 28-6 to the Vikings when they put them against the Cowboys in Week 4. 

Something tells me ol' Al will do just fine though for that game, so long as he doesn't have to deal with any Swifties.

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.