Cinnabon Selling Frosting By the Pint for the Holidays

If you're of the correct opinion that Cinnabon frosting is ravishing and wish it could be applied on other food items, your wish is about to come true this holiday season. The chain announced this week that, for the first time ever and for a limited time, they are selling frosting by the pint for $5.99.

To commemorate the occasion, Cinnabon has also posted a few recipes on what to do with said frosting, including putting it on sweet potatoes and combining it with herbed cheese, cranberries, and walnuts to make a topping for bread.

The frosting will be sold at all 900 physical Cinnabon locations.

Cinnabon is just absolutely delicious, but it also makes me feel supremely guilty every time I indulge in it. It might be like a once every 12-18 months delicacy. When I buy it, I always tell myself that I'm going to eat half and save the other half for later. When the first half is done, I immediately break my promise to myself and inhale what was supposed to be my leftovers.

Every time Cinnabon comes up, I think of the Louis CK bit where he talks about how he's the only person in the world who buys it at the destination airport:

Nonetheless, this frosting promotion has tantalizing possibilities. We've all thought about putting the Cinnabon frosting on other items, and now might be the best opportunity we're ever going to get to test our theories.


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Ryan Glasspiegel grew up in Connecticut, graduated from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and lives in Chicago. Before OutKick, he wrote for Sports Illustrated and The Big Lead. He enjoys expensive bourbon and cheap beer.