Fauci Lied About Twitter During Deposition

Anthony Fauci has an extremely tenuous relationship with telling the truth.

He's repeatedly misled the public on numerous issues, including his motivations for the dramatic flip flop on masking in spring 2020.

Fauci also misled the country about the efficacy of masks, inaccurately claiming for years that they're effective at reducing transmission.

His advocacy and influence helped ensure that tech companies and media outlets treated the lab leak as a conspiracy theory.


Fauci also ensured that schools would stay closed, hurting huge numbers of children in the process.

But new revelations from internal Twitter emails show that both in public and during sworn testimony, the good doctor lied about his familiarity with the social media platform.

During his deposition, he denied using the app, saying "I wouldn't know how to access a tweet if you paid me."

Except, of course, an internal report from 2021 showed that Fauci "did an account takeover" for the White House COVID Response Twitter.


Fauci Misrepresented Facts to Defend Himself

Not only did he do a takeover in March 2021, but he did it again just a month later, in April 2021.

In fact, the White House COVID Response Twitter account posted publicly that Fauci would be taking over to answer questions.

So, uh, either they were lying about Fauci himself answering questions, or he was lying in his deposition about not knowing how to access tweets if someone paid him.

Sounds about right.

If there's one thing society has learned about prominent public health "experts" during the pandemic, it's that they're primarily politicians.

Fauci, for example, is a consummate politician. He frequently misstates the facts to achieve an agenda. Openly and repeatedly lies to make himself look better and avoid admitting mistakes.

And criticizes others for not doing what he demands.

While that behavior is not surprising for someone working in government for well over 30 years, it was a historic mistake to take him seriously.

His advocacy accomplished nothing, diminished trust in public health and caused economic destruction. All because left wing politicians agreed with him politically and told half the country what they wanted to hear.

While this isn't exactly a major scandal, it indicates yet again that Fauci cannot and should not be trusted.

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Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog.