You may want to think twice before your next cannonball into the deep end of the YMCA. While filling in and co-hosting OutKick The Morning with Kelly in Vegas this morning, I asked our guest and former competitive swimmer Paula Scanlan the question I'm sure you all wanted to know the answer to: "What happens when you gotta go and your in the pool?" SWIM SHOCK! To say Paula wasn't expecting that question was an understatement as both she and Kelly immediately burst into laughter. But like Michael Phelps on his last turn into that final lap of a 400x meter freestyle, I persisted. "If humans pee in the pool, athletes are obviously human, so you have to think that it does happen," I continued. "I mean, I can't speak for everyone… but uh, there's some convenience factor," Scanlan - who was also Lia Thomas's teammate while swimming at the University of Pennsylvania replied, before then adding something that will have you never walking toward a pool like you used to. "You know what I will tell you and this isn't from me, this is from scientists: The chlorine smell that you smell in any pool that you go to is only possible if people pee in the pool," Scanlan shocked the audience with. "So, take that as you will." Turns out, Scanlan wasn't just messing with me. According to Purdue University Environmental Engineer Ernest Blatchey, "Chlorine reacts with urine to form a host of potentially toxic compounds called disinfection byproducts. These can include anything from the chloramines that give well-used pools… that sharp odor of chlorine." In addition to urine, things like sweat and oil from the body can add to the enhanced smell. "I view [peeing in pool] like secondhand smoke… It's disrespectful and potentially dangerous," Blatchey added. Wow. As I told Scanlan - my local YMCA absolutely stinks sometimes. Here I was thinking that it was the lifeguards' fault for going a bit overboard when they were dumping the chlorine into the pool! Imagine if we had the equivalent of blacklights but for all the urine in the pool? That could single-handedly destroy the backyard pool industry right there! It's like chicken or hot dogs - I don't want to know what's going on, all I know is I enjoy eating them just like I have fun swimming.