If You Want To Become Instantly Dumber, Listen To Joy Reid's Truly Delusional Take On A Canada-USA War

America's resident idiot, Joy Reid, has somehow managed to outdo herself … again! I swear, this chick never runs out of dumb things to say. It's amazing, really. Borderline impressive. 

Actually, not borderline at all. Just … impressive. Super impressive. 

To be this stupid on a daily basis takes a focused determination I'd wager most of us lack. But not Joy. She recently got fired from her MSNBC show that 14 people watched, but do you think that stopped her from being a moron? Think that made her take a step back and look in the mirror? Do some soul-searching? Talk to God?

Nope to all of that! Not even close. 

Instead, she joined equally-dumb Don Lemon on whatever hell podcast he hosts nowadays, and predicted that should America and Canada go to war – something that will just never happen – it would be Canada that comes out on top. 

Canada! Dummy Joy Reid thinks WE would lose a war … to Canada!

This is why the Department of Education is shuttered

You see? This is why Trump nuked the Department of Education yesterday. Right here. Joy Reid and Don Lemon are products of that awful institution. This is what they pumped out. No wonder Trump axed it. Talk about a waste of taxpayer money!

Anyway, the War of 1812, for those wondering, was fought between the United States and Great Britain over British violations of U.S. maritime rights. It ended in a draw, according to my sources (Google), and something called the Treaty of Ghent reflected this on Christmas Eve, 1814. 

Also, it's commonly known as one of the most pointless wars ever and a war that nobody actually won. 

There. Saved y'all hours of scrolling this morning. Less war-talk, more March Madness!

As for how a war with Canada would go today, I know David Hookstead is our war expert, but I feel pretty safe in saying that we'd most likely obliterate Canada before dinner on Day 1. I did reach out to him to ask, and he told me the war would be over before my third cup of coffee in the morning. So, take that for what it's worth. 

Here's a handy-dandy chart on the way out for those who think I'm being a homer:

Yeah, I mean, it would be a bloodbath. 

Again, it won't happen, and it's silly to even entertain the idea. But, this is what happens when you put two of the biggest idiots in the world in the same room for an extended period of time. 

Congrats everyone, we're all infinitely dumber now! 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.