You Can Buy Peaches From A Nuclear Disaster Zone If You're So Inclined

I love a good peach.

Actually, I'm more of a nectarine guy — all of the deliciousness of a peach without that weird, fuzzy, cat-tongue-like skin — but they're still fantastic.

However, I don't know that I can wrap my mind around spending $100 bucks on a peach, let alone peaches that were grown in a nuclear disaster area, but if you find yourself in London you can do exactly that if you feel so inclined.

You may recall the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, but what you may not know — hell, I didn't and I was a seventh-grade Geography Bee champ — is that the Fukushima region of Japan is known for its high-end produce.

That was its main claim to fame until… well, y'know…

Still, despite the region being in the news for more tragic regions, the fruits coming out of there are going for a small fortune.

Take London's Harrods, arguably the fanciest department store on the planet, which will sell you three big, juicy peaches that are allegedly so good, that they'll make you barge into your across-the-hall neighbor's apartment to proclaim, "Well, theyr're in! The Fukushima peaches, Jerry. The Fukushima Peaches!" for a mere $100 for three.

That's just… *opens calculator app*… roughly $33.3333333333333 per peach.

I don't have that kind of peach budget, but part of me wants to buy some for the story. I don't even know if I could bring myself to eat them. 

Harrods told CBS News that there are "no restrictions for the U.K. in place on the import of food produced in Fukushima," so I figure they're okay to eat, but my luck, I'd get one that's a little radioactive (or worse it has that weird gritty, mealy texture. Gross).

I think I'd do it. Considering the over-processed diets most of us have, we probably have no room to be too picky.

While it's kind of a goofy store, this is great news for Fukushima, where the once massive produce industry has taken a beating since the 2011 tsunami that caused the nuclear disaster that hurt the region's branding.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.