'Yellowstone' Fans Erupt With Rage Over Simple Question. Who Is Correct?
"Yellowstone" fans have found themselves in a fascinating debate.
Taylor Sheridan's epic Western saga ended in December 2024 with a finale that had people sharing all kinds of opinions. I liked it, and it sets up a spinoff focused on Rip and Beth. Other people hated it. Of course, there's no correct answer. It's up to every person to make their own choices and decisions.
You can read my full breakdown and review here.
"Yellowstone" fans debate ending.
Well, there's a new debate consuming fans of the series on Reddit:
Did "Yellowstone" or "Game of Thrones" have a worse ending?
Check out some of the answers below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com:
- For me, Game of Thrones was worse. It was just a better show than Yellowstone in the first few seasons. It had higher highs, and therefore lower lows and so was more disappointing.
- I think what makes the ending even worse was how amazing it originally was (seasons 1-4).
- This! Game of thrones had an incredible world built, even until the 6th season I’d say.
- Both fell victim to rushed writing in order to just end them and both experienced a significant decline in writing well before the end. That being said. I don’t hate what happened in GoT, I hate how it happened, with a few unnecessary character executions and the feeling of "loose ends just being tied with no direction". I won’t say there wasn’t a build up to Dany’s ending, because if you paid attention, there absolutely was, but because everything had to happen very quickly in order to end the series, it felt super condensed and almost "out of nowhere". I hated everything about the Yellowstone ending. I hate that Jamie was made the villain when he’s a tragic character at worst and deserved much better than he got. I hated that Sheridan tried to shoehorn himself into the series as some weird Costner replacement. I don’t hate that sometimes, the bad people win, but I really hated how Beth was put on a pedestal by so many fans and Rip became just her attack dog.
- Yellowstone probably would have been better had Kevin Costner not quit. He f*cked them really do they just had to work with what they had.
- I think I've finally hit on why the Yellowstone ending was so unsatisfying for me. It wasn't terrible. It was just unsatisfying. And it had nothing at all to do with the ranch going back to the native americans. That part is fine with me. Ultimately, Yellowstone ending up with a schmaltzy, happy ending. Well, not for Jamie, but it was clear that Sheridan thought we were supposed to see Jamie as the devil incarnate because Beth did. No, for me, the ending of Beth and Rip and Carter on their new idyllic ranch, and then Kayce, Monica and Tate on their new idyllic ranch just felt so completely wrong for this show. This is NOT a show that should've had happy endings. It worked best as a family tragedy, and Sheridan wanting to wrap things up in a sweet little bow felt, insulting, almost. Beth, Rip, even Kayce, just don't feel like characters that should be riding into the sunset. Too much sh*t has gone down. And no, killing off a well-liked side character like Colby so Teeter could be really, really sad doesn't fulfill that quota. It just feels like a weak sauce attempt to address the dangerous side of things while shielding your main characters from consequences that they should've had to face. I think Yellowstone needed a darker ending. I know the show was on a downward spiral for a while, but I think something a bit more tragic would actually have felt more appropriate. But instead we got happily ever after's. And that just doesn't feel like what Yellowstone was about. At least not to me.
- Yellowstone. GoT rushed its ending and stopped thinking about about it was doing. But it at least stayed entertaining and utilized cool ideas. Yellowstone did that plus got boring as hell
- The Yellowstone equivalent of GoT would be Rip being banished to Canada after killing Beth by the bunkhouse cowboys that were going to sail away to ranch in Australia. Plus Teeter was appointed the next owner of the ranch before they set off. No discussion which was worse.
- Yellowstone for me.
- Yellowstone’s ending was fine, just a little predictable. I thought it was a cool way to bookend the story
- This is not even a respectable comparison, while Yellowstone was nothing to write home about, GoT was a disgrace.
- I think Yellowstone just stole the crown. I keep seeing reddit articles where Kevin Costner was the only person who had the power and authority to challenge Taylor Sheridan when he wanted to do something stupid. It's difficult not to believe this cuz Costner left and we got the worst ending of a season ever.
- Any story was better than "who's taking the ranch this week" Yellowstone was worse than Walking Dead...
- Sorry but at least GoT had content and stuff happening and stories advancing in s8. This last season of YS was 75% filler nonsense. I also give GoT a break cause it was constrained by money - the show was stupidly expensive to make by the end. YS disappointed due to out of control egos and probably paramount giving way too much power to TS. That makes its decline worse in my book
- Game of Thrones was way worse
- Relative to the quality of the rest of the series, easily GoT. Yellowstone's ending was just more the undiginfied downing of an already sick animal.
- GOT by a country mile.
- I can’t say, seeing as I haven’t seen the ending of Yellowstone, nor will I. The fan base ruined the show for me and of some of the characters and the story just really piss me off. I hate the toxic wannabe cowboy’s the show created, I hate the way the Beth’s characters is written because now people want to behave like her, I hate the way Sheridan wrote himself lines where he gets to treat people like sh*t, and I hate the story surrounding the train station and how the show is essentially the same thing for 5 seasons; Someone wants to take the ranch, so the Dutton family just kills that person.
- GOT, not even a conversation.
- GoT. It was a better show all along so the fall was longer & thus more painful.
- For me. The wheels kinda feel of Yellowstone a few seasons ago when the story became increasingly outlandish. I still love the show, but I’m almost embarrassed to admit it because of the last few seasons. GoT was incredible, until it wasn’t. And then it was just terrible. For me, GoT was the worse ending, but both are absolute garbage imho.
As you can see, people are very fired up with this debate, and for good reason. "Game of Thrones" and "Yellowstone" are two of the most famous shows on TV of the past 25 years.
Each had a profound impact on the entertainment industry. Each had a controversial ending, but this isn't a hard decision.
The ending of "Game of Thrones" was significantly worse. It's not even a debate.
The ending of "Yellowstone" was indicated in "1883" and even was called by Rainwater in season one. Would it have been slightly different if Kevin Costner hadn't left the show? I'm sure the events would haveDaenerys been different, but the ending would have been the same. The clues were always in front of us. You just had to look.

The ending of "Yellowstone" has divided fans. (Credit: Paramount Network)
The ending of "Game of Thrones" was beyond stupid. It was downright absurd. First off, all Jon had to do in order to stop the massacre at King's Landing was have sex with Daenerys. If he'd done that, then the show would probably have had a happy ending. Instead, he chose not to and all hell broke loose.
That resulted in Jon killing Dany, Arya goes off to become Dora the Explorer, Bran becomes king and Sansa goes back to rule the northern region. The only part of the ending that was satisfying was Sansa becoming queen in the north.
The rest was hot garbage. It was terrible. I wanted to throw a beer can through my TV watching the final moments unfold, and as OutKick readers know, I'm a very peaceful man.
It's not a tough call at all, in my humble opinion. Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.